Christmas Around the World
and Holidays of Light
Museum of Science and Indrustry, Chicago
November 17, 2016 - January
8, 2017
All the ornaments on this tree (except for the crystal
were hand-made by members of the Friends
of the USA Tree.
A photo showing some of the members of the group by the
completed tree is near the bottom of this webpage.
New this year are the star-box scenes, which were designed and built by
Kathy Cunningham and Robert Zamora.
Also new this year are the crocheted angels at
the bottom of the tree, which were made by Emma Winegarner.
The rest of the ornaments were made and displayed in the
previous two or three years.
[Links to pages showing the trees and ornaments
from previous years are at the bottom of this webpage.]
The tree-skirt is also new this year, and was designed and
built by Lynette Winegarner.

Below are photos of some of the individual star-box ornaments.
The boxes are in five different sizes.
The first photo below shows the basic box and a lid.
Next are a few of the completed scenes without their lids.
Then we see the smallest of the boxes, and finally
a few more of the boxes with their decorated lids.
The following links go to pages showing trees and ornaments from
previous years,
all of which have the artistry and supervision of Kathy Cunningham . . .